Contact Information
Name: Oscar Carlsson
Born: 27-08-1989
Nationality: Sweden
Adress:Hjälmvägen 1 , Segeltorp
Phone:(+46)76 1068555
My name is Oscar Carlsson I am an aspiring 3D artist located in Stockholm.
I am recently graduated from Futuregames and I'm currently looking for a position as a 3D-artist.

Work experience

Internship, Polarbit (2013)
I did a 30 week long internship with Polarbit, during this time I worked on titles
for mobiles and tablets.

Internship, Tension graphics (2010-2011)
Me and a group of interns worked together with a title for PlayStation Portable
Called Ambassador Kane.

ARTEX - Assembly (2008-2009)

ASM Foods (2009)

Formal Education
Vocational School, Futuregames, Stockholm
(2011 - 2013)

Vocational School, Playgroundsquad, Falun
(2009 - 2011)

Upper Secondary School, Kungshögaskolan, Mjölby (2006 - 2008)

Software Experience
Autodesk Maya
Autodesk Mudbox
Adobe Photoshop
x Normlas